Admissions » MSHS Non-Discrimination Policy

MSHS Non-Discrimination Policy

Student Non-Discrimination Policy

Mary Star of the Sea High School, mindful of its mission to be a witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students regardless of race, color, national origin, and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at the school.


Mary Star of the Sea High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, medical condition, sex or national and/or ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies and practices, scholarship programs, and athletic and other school administered programs, although certain athletic leagues and other programs may limit participation and some archdiocesan schools operate as a single-sex schools.


While Mary Star of the Sea High School does not discriminate against students with special needs, a full range of services may not always be available to them.  Decisions concerning the admission and continued enrollment of a student in the school are based upon the student’s emotional, academic and physical abilities and the resources available to the school in meeting the student’s need.


[Note that Mary Star of the Sea High School Student Non-Discrimination Policy does not provide nor imply that the archdiocese waives any legal exceptions or exemptions that may apply to it as a religious nonprofit organization.]


Documentation of Non-Discrimination

The Internal Revenue Service requires non-public schools to maintain a nondiscriminatory policy with respect to students in order to be recognized as tax exempt.  Schools must demonstrate the existence of this policy by annually publishing a statement of nondiscrimination.


By October first of each year, each archdiocesan school must complete a form stating its nondiscriminatory policy.  This form is sent to the Department of Catholic Schools and is kept on file there.  For parish schools, the pastor will publish the nondiscriminatory policy statement in the October issue of the parish bulletin.  Mary Star of the Sea High School retains a copy of this issue of the parish bulletin in the school file.  The statement of nondiscrimination is published each year in the Faculty Handbook, Student-Parent Handbook and also in the admissions materials.