Religion 11 - The Sacraments - 2023-4 Assignments

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Team Presentation in Google Classroom

Team Presentation

Make a copy of the attached presentation for your team.  Add appropriate images or memes to the following presentation for extra credit.  The team with the best presentation will get extra points of extra credit.


Sacraments Chart in Google Classroom

Sacraments Chart

Make a copy of the attached chart (put your initials in the title).  Fill it out with the correct answers and submit it.  Each row containing all the correct answers gets a point of extra credit


Study Guide in Google Classroom

Study Guide

Write out the answers to this study guide and send a picture of each page with your answers.  A point of extra credit will be awarded for each section that was answered correctly.

Past Assignments


Participation Questions Week 35 in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 35

Three questions, with three corresponding quotes, along with four other important points, all on a Google Doc.


Review Game Answers Week 35 in Google Classroom

Review Game Answers Week 35

What is Anointing of the Sick? 
To what particular part of natural life does this sacrament correspond?
What is the Matter?
What is the Form? 
Who should receive the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?
How often should an ill person receive this sacrament?  
When a person is dying, should he only request the Anointing of the Sick?
Should one wait right before the moment of death to receive the sacrament?
If there is no physical healing after the sacrament is administered, does that mean it did not work?
What are the three key effects of the sacrament?
What book in the bible gives us the earliest evidence for this sacrament in the early church?


Participation Questions Week 34 in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 34


Review Game Answers Week 34 in Google Classroom

Review Game Answers Week 34

What is Holy Orders?
To what particular part of natural life does this sacrament correspond? 
What is the Matter?
What is the Form? 
What are the two sacraments of Service? Why? 
What are the three different degrees of Holy Orders? 
Why is the ordination of women not possible? 
Who were the first Christians ordained and when did this happen? 
What does it mean that the priest acts in persona Christi? 
What important action can the ministerial priesthood of the priest do at Mass that the common priesthood of the laity cannot do?  


Review Game Answers Week 33 in Google Classroom

Review Game Answers Week 33

Answer the following questions on a Google Document and submit on Classroom:

To what particular part of natural life does this sacrament correspond? 
What is the definition of marriage? 
What is the Matter of the wedding ceremony? 
What is the Form of the wedding ceremony? 
What is marriage a symbol of? 
True or False: Marriage is a manmade institution.
Who was the first couple to be married in the bible? 
Why are marriages indissoluble (Two reasons)?  
Why is contraception wrong in marriage? 
What is the primary purpose of marriage? 
In the exchange of vows, what rights are the spouses exchanging with each other?


Participation Questions Week 32 (4/22-4/26) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 32 (4/22-4/26)

Three questions
Three corresponding quotes
Four important points


Lent Project Essay in Google Classroom

Lent Project Essay

Write a 1-page, single-spaced reflection essay (Times New Roman font, size 12) regarding your experience of the Lent Project. What did you gain from the experience? Was it easier or harder than you thought? What were your successes and failures? What can you take from this experience going forward in your spiritual life?
Note: if you can prove (through an attendance record signed by a priest or faculty member) that they attended Mass each of the six Sundays of Lent AND at least one weekday for each of the six weeks at Mary Star High School, they will be exempt from writing the one-page essay. Friday Stations of the Cross at Mary Star High School will also satisfy the second part of this requirement (provided that a faculty member certifies their attendance).


Review Game Answers Week 29 in Google Classroom

Review Game Answers Week 29

To what particular part of natural life does this sacrament correspond? 
What are the three sacraments of initiation (needed for full Christian initiation)? 
When was this sacrament instituted by Jesus? 
What are the criteria for reception of the Eucharist? 
How long do you have to fast before the reception of holy communion? 
True or False: Christ is sacramentally present in both species, so you receive all the graces of the Eucharist when you receive Communion under the species of bread alone (or wine alone).
What does the reception of the Eucharist symbolize?  
What is the difference between material food and the spiritual food which is the eucharist? 
What are the effects of the Eucharist? 
What type of sin is forgiven in the Sacrament of the Eucharist? 
How often are Catholics required to receive the Eucharist?


Participation Questions Week 29 in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 29

On a Google Doc, submit through Classroom three questions with three quotes, along with four important facts from the presentation (whole sentences).


Eucharistic Miracles in Google Classroom

Eucharistic Miracles

Research a Eucharistic miracle and answer the following questions. Be thorough in your answers.  Submit your answers in the form of a presentation on Google Slides.

Which miracle are you researching? 

When and where did this take place? 

What happened? Be very detailed in your explanation. 

What scientific research was done on this miracle and what did it conclude? 

Each person must submit a presentation answering all of the above questions by Wednesday.

You may do a second presentation if you wish.  A second presentation is worth either a point of extra credit for the person submitting it or $20,000 for your team.  If your team submits a second presentation, each team member must contribute at least two slides and put their name on the slides that they contributed.  Any presentations that are so good that they are used in class will be worth $50,000.

Some suggested miracles:

Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Eucharistic Miracle of Tixtla, Mexico
Miracle in Sokolka, Poland
Miracle in Legnica, Poland
Miracle in Betania, Venezuela
Miracle of Lanciano, Italy
The Hosts of Siena, Italy
Marthe Robin survival on the Eucharist
Therese Neumann survival on the Eucharist

You may make a presentation on other miracles as long as they are approved by the Church.


Review Game Answers Week 28 in Google Classroom

Review Game Answers Week 28

Put these questions, with their correct answers, on a Google Doc and submit to Classroom:

What is Confession?
To what particular part of natural life does this sacrament correspond?
What is the matter of this sacrament?
What is the form of this sacrament?
What three things should we prepare before going to Confession?  
What is contrition?
In order to have true contrition, what are the three possible supernatural motivations?
What are the three conditions for mortal sin?
What type of sins must always be confessed in the Sacrament of Penance? Why?
What are the effects of the Sacrament?
How often are Catholics required to go to confession?
Why should we seek forgiveness through Penance rather than approaching God directly?


Participation Questions Week 27 in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 27

Three Questions
Three Quotes
Four Important Things


Participation Questions Week 26 in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 26

Three questions from class, the presentation, or the video
Three quotes or references
Four things that you think are important


Review Game Answers Week 25 in Google Classroom

Review Game Answers Week 25

What is confirmation? 
To what particular part of natural life does this sacrament correspond? 
Why is the Sacrament named confirmation? 
What is the Matter of the sacrament of Confirmation? 
What is the Form of the sacrament of Confirmation? 
What event in the Bible can be considered the origin of the Sacrament of Confirmation? 
Who sent the Holy Spirit onto the Apostles at Pentecost?  
What does the laying on of hands symbolize? 
What is the significance of the anointing with Chrism? 
What are the effects of the sacrament?


Participation Questions Week 25 in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 25

Three questions
Three quotes
Four important items (written in full sentences)


Lent Project Progress Week 1 in Google Classroom

Lent Project Progress Week 1

I will check your progress in your Lenten resolutions today in class.  Make sure that you have an indication of whether or not you did each of your five resolutions this week (a separate mark for each).  If you have been keeping track on the 'Habit Tracker' app, you may show me your progress on your phone.

I will grade you on whether you have been keeping track.  So, this assignment is worth five points.  If you have gone to Mass and have proof of some sort (such as a signature), I will count that as a point of extra credit for this assignment.


Lent Project in Google Classroom

Lent Project

During Lent, the students in Religion 11 will push themselves to live out the "universal call to holiness" in a direct way by making a rule of life and attempting to live by it. A rule of life helps one to grow in virtue by practicing prayer, asceticism, and works of charity. It is an invaluable life skill which is guaranteed to pay off in spiritual benefits, provided that the student approaches the task with a generous spirit. 
The assignment has three parts:
1) Write a rule of life and have it approved by fr. Paul before Ash Wednesday. 
This Rule should be written in at the beginning of your journal. The rule of life must include, at minimum, 5 practices:
-a) attendance at Mass every Sunday
-b) abstinence from meat every Friday
-c) some daily act of prayer, determined by each student
-d) some daily act of self-denial (some act of fasting, cold showers, limiting phone use, etc.) determined by the student
-e) some weekly act of almsgiving/charity toward the poor or even those within the student's own family.

2) Keep a journal/record throughout Lent (February 14-March 28) of how well you are doing at holding to your resolutions.
At minimum, this is just a chart on which you can check off, each day, whether or not you did each of the things you resolved to do. It could also take the form of a diary in which you record your daily experiences. Students have a great deal of freedom with how they wish to present the journal. 

3) Write a 1-page, single-spaced reflection essay (Times New Roman font, size 12) regarding your experience. What did you gain from the experience? Was it easier or harder than you thought? What were your successes and failures? What can you take from this experience going forward in your spiritual life?
Note: if students can prove (through an attendance record signed by a priest or faculty member) that they attended Mass each of the six Sundays of Lent AND at least one weekday for each of the six weeks at Mary Star High School, they will be exempt from writing the one-page essay. Friday Stations of the Cross at Mary Star High School will also satisfy the second part of this requirement (provided that a faculty member certifies their attendance). 

Mass is offered at school each day (M-F) at 7:10 in the gym; Stations of the Cross are on Fridays at 12:30 in the gym.

This practice is meant to challenge you! Make use of the opportunity to grow!


Participation Questions Week 23 in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 23


Review Game Answers Week 23 in Google Classroom

Review Game Answers Week 23


Review Game Answers Week 22 in Google Classroom

Review Game Answers Week 22

Answer the next ten questions from the Jeopardy Slides.  The answers can be found in the presentation on "The Mass", which is attached.

The ten questions are also included below:

What are the two main parts of the Mass?
What is the greatest sacrament, “ the source and summit of the Christian life”, for which the others are made?
What is the high point of the mass? (When does the sacrifice become present?)
What happens during the Penitential Rite?
What is Holy Eucharist?
What is the matter of the Holy Eucharist?
What is the form of the Holy Eucharist?
What are some Old Testament symbols that point to the eucharist? 
What does transubstantiation mean?
What makes the Eucharist a special sacrament?


Review Game Answers Week 21 in Google Classroom

Review Game Answers Week 21


Participation Questions Week 21 in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 21


Review Game Answers Week 20 in Google Classroom

Review Game Answers Week 20


Participation Questions Week 19 (1/15-1/19) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 19 (1/15-1/19)

Take your three questions from this week's presentation with their corresponding (highlighted) quotes, add them to a Google document, along with four things that you consider important from the presentation, and submit the document.


Review Game Answers in Google Classroom

Review Game Answers

Take the questions and answers from the 'Review Game' slides, compile them onto a single document, and submit it.  These will serve as your study guide for the upcoming quiz.


Participation Questions Week 18 (1/8-1/12) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 18 (1/8-1/12)


Evaluation for class in Google Classroom

Evaluation for class

For Extra Credit


Participation Questions Week 15 (11/27-12/1) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 15 (11/27-12/1)

Post two questions on the slides by adding a comment on highlighted text in the presentation.  Then, compile the highlighted texts and questions corresponding to them on a document.  Lastly, state one way in which each of the six religions are deficient relative to the four marks of the Church.


Participation Questions Week 13 (11/13-17) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 13 (11/13-17)

Post three questions on the slides by adding a comment on highlighted text in the presentation.  Then, compile the highlighted texts and questions corresponding to them on a document, along with four quotes (complete sentences) containing what you consider important or significant points about the presentation.


Summary of David's Story in Google Classroom

Summary of David's Story

Story summary assignment: 10 points

Summarize the Bible's account of David's Story (Judges-Samuel-Kings).

3 points for clearly indicating the setting, conflict, and resolution

A point for including each of the following elements of the story:
1. When did Israel become a kingdom?  Who was their king? 
2. How does God want to improve the Israelite kingdom?

3. What do the Israelites ask for that displeases God because it is a rejection of him?
4. Why are the people not ready to receive their request?

5. How do the Israelites learn that their request was bad?
6. What does God do to give them hope?

1 point for having a good, narrative flow with complete sentences.


Participation Questions Week 12 (11/6-10) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 12 (11/6-10)


Participation Questions Week 11 (10/30-11/3) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 11 (10/30-11/3)


Summary of Moses' Story in Google Classroom

Summary of Moses' Story

Story summary assignment: 10 points

Summarize the Bible's account of Moses' Story (Exodus-Deuteronomy).

3 points for clearly indicating the setting, conflict, and resolution

A point for including each of the following elements of the story:
1. God wants to make the children of Abraham a sacred people in the land promised to them

2, The children of Abraham are slaves under Pharaoh
3. They are losing their knowledge of right and wrong
4.  They have lost their trust in God 

5. God wins their trust by liberating them from Pharaoh
6. He makes them holy by placing them under the law, which connects them to Christ by making them a type of him

1 point for not using any of my phrases from numbered items above


Participation Questions Week 10 (10/23-27) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 10 (10/23-27)


Participation Questions Week 9 (10/16-20) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 9 (10/16-20)


Participation Questions Week 8 (10/9-13) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 8 (10/9-13)


Summary of Abraham's Story in Google Classroom

Summary of Abraham's Story

Story summary assignment: 10 points

Summarize the Bible's account of Abraham's story (Genesis 11-22).

3 points for clearly indicating the setting, conflict, and resolution

2 points for each part that includes each of the following two elements listed:
1. Mankind's attempt to unite itself by building something
2. The three great pledges that God pledges to Abraham.

3. The physical reasons in Abraham and Sarah that makes it seem impossible for God to fulfill his pledges
4. The three ways that Abraham fails to carry out God's conditions for the pledges

5. What God gives to Abraham when he makes up for his three failures
6. How Abraham passes Adam's temptation that proves his trust in God 

1 point for not using any of my phrases from numbered items above


Participation Questions Week 7 (10/2-6) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 7 (10/2-6)


Participation Questions Week 6 (9/25-29) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 6 (9/25-29)


Survey in Google Classroom



Summary of Creation in Google Classroom

Summary of Creation

Story summary assignment: 10 points

Summarize Tolkien's myth of the creation of the world.

3 points for clearly indicating the setting, conflict, and resolution

2 points for each part that includes each of the following two elements listed:
Setting: 1. The existence of the supreme guy and the lower guys, especially the bad guy 2. What the characters do to express the excellence of the supreme guy to each other
Conflict: 3. What the bad guy does to disrupt everyone else's expressions of the supreme guy 4. How the other characters respond to the disruption
Resolution: 5. Why the supreme guy allows the bad guy to disrupt the other character's expressions 6. What supreme guy will do to teach the other characters why he allowed the expressions to be disrupted

1 point for not using any of my phrases from numbered items above


Participation Questions Week 5 (9/18-22) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 5 (9/18-22)


Participation Questions Week 4 (9/11-15) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 4 (9/11-15)

Submit two written questions
pertinent to the topic discussed this week, along with a quote from notes or
class that prompted the question.  These submissions will be graded
according to completion, pertinence to the topic of the week, and pertinence of
the question to the quote.

You can get as many as ten points on each homework assignment.  You will
receive a point for:


Each of
your questions that correspond to the quote(s) you include

Each true

Each of
your quotes that correspond to the topic being covered in current the week

application statement that explains how your question, or the answer to
it, pertains to you personally


Participation Questions Week 3 (9/4-8) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 3 (9/4-8)

Submit two written questions
pertinent to the topic discussed this week, along with a quote from notes or
class that prompted the question.  These submissions will be graded
according to completion, pertinence to the topic of the week, and pertinence of
the question to the quote.

You can get as many as ten points on each homework assignment.  You will
receive a point for:


Each of
your questions that correspond to the quote(s) you include

Each true

Each of
your quotes that correspond to the topic being covered in current the week

application statement that explains how your question, or the answer to
it, pertains to you personally


Participation Questions Week 2 (8/28-9/1) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 2 (8/28-9/1)

Submit two written questions pertinent to the topic discussed this week, along with a quote from notes or class that prompted the question.  These submissions will be graded according to completion, pertinence to the topic of the week, and pertinence of the question to the quote.

You can get as many as ten points on each homework assignment.  You will receive a point for:

Each question
Each of your questions that correspond to the quote(s) you include
Each true quote
Each of your quotes that correspond to the topic being covered in current the week
Each application statement that explains how your question, or the answer to it, pertains to you personally


Participation Questions Week 1 (8/21-25) in Google Classroom

Participation Questions Week 1 (8/21-25)

Submit two
written questions pertinent to the topic discussed this week, along with a quote from notes or class that prompted
the question.  These submissions will be graded according to completion,
pertinence to the topic of the week, and pertinence of the question to the

You can get as many as ten points on each homework assignment.  You will receive a point for:

Each question
Each of your questions that correspond to the quote(s) you include
Each true quote
Each of your quotes that correspond to the topic being covered in current the week
Each application statement that explains how your question, or the answer to it, pertains to you personally


Summer Story in Google Classroom

Summer Story

Write a story about yourself from this summer.  You will
receive a point for including:

A story
At least five complete sentences
Clearly indicating the setting of the story (the description of the
characters and the situation)
Clearly indicating the conflict of the story (the problem that the characters
find themselves in)
Clearly indicating the result of the conflict (how the problem was
resolved or the situation ended)
Example: In this example story, italics indicates the setting of the story, bold indicates the conflict of the story, underline indicates the result of the story.

About a hundred years ago, Communists soldiers came and shut down a Norbertine Abbey in Hungary.  The night before they came, seven of the priests from that abbey escaped and disguised themselves as farmers.  As they were walking down the road in their disguises, they spotted an army truck behind them driving right toward them.  Most of the priests were afraid and thought that they should run.  The leader, however, waved to the soldiers to ask for a ride. The soldiers, fooled by the disguises, gave them a ride to the nearby town, thus helping their enemy escape to the border.


Signed Syllabus in Google Classroom

Signed Syllabus