Tuition and Fees
Mary Star of the Sea High School spends more per pupil than it charges for tuition. Payment of tuition and fees is a matter of justice which cannot be taken lightly. Failure to pay tuition and fees on time jeopardizes the academic program for all of our students and faculty.
Tuition is due as published. Mary Star of the Sea High School has three tuition rates: Catholic, non-Catholic and International Students. (Please download the Tuition and Fees section of the Parent/Student Handbook here)
All fees are non-refundable. The school reserves the right to make the final determination regarding how much, if any, tuition is refunded. As a matter of policy, the monthly tuition is not refunded if the student has attended the school for even a single calendar day of that month, regardless of the reason for leaving the school.
There is a late fee of $30 if monthly payments are not received on time for tuition.
If tuition falls behind more than one month, the parent will be contacted and if satisfactory arrangements are not made, the student may be suspended. If tuition is more than two months in arrears, the amount may be handed over to a collection agency.
Exam permits, grades and diplomas may be held if all financial obligations are not cleared.
The school may also deny to the student the privilege of attending the prom and/or grad night in cases where financial obligations are not being met.
The school is grateful to all parents who take their financial obligations seriously and meet them in a timely manner. It is imperative that parents who are unable to make a payment for any reason contact Mr. Marinkovich, Vice Principal, immediately to discuss the matter.
Below, please download the 2024-2025 Tuition and Fees Schedule
Tuition is due as published. Mary Star of the Sea High School has three tuition rates: Catholic, non-Catholic and International Students. (Please download the Tuition and Fees section of the Parent/Student Handbook here)
All fees are non-refundable. The school reserves the right to make the final determination regarding how much, if any, tuition is refunded. As a matter of policy, the monthly tuition is not refunded if the student has attended the school for even a single calendar day of that month, regardless of the reason for leaving the school.
There is a late fee of $30 if monthly payments are not received on time for tuition.
If tuition falls behind more than one month, the parent will be contacted and if satisfactory arrangements are not made, the student may be suspended. If tuition is more than two months in arrears, the amount may be handed over to a collection agency.
Exam permits, grades and diplomas may be held if all financial obligations are not cleared.
The school may also deny to the student the privilege of attending the prom and/or grad night in cases where financial obligations are not being met.
The school is grateful to all parents who take their financial obligations seriously and meet them in a timely manner. It is imperative that parents who are unable to make a payment for any reason contact Mr. Marinkovich, Vice Principal, immediately to discuss the matter.
Below, please download the 2024-2025 Tuition and Fees Schedule