Electronic Communications Policies
There are several electronic communications policies that are binding for students, parents, teachers, staff, coaches and volunteers who are a part of Mary Star of the Sea High School. Students and parents are required to acknowledge and accept these policies as a part of the registration process every year. Staff and teachers also review and accept these policies at the beginning of each academic school year.
1. The main policy for electronic communications is the Los Angeles Archdiocese Acceptable Use and Responsibility Policy for Electronic Communications (Archdiocesan AUP). This policy applies to all entities that are a part of the archdiocese. Please follow this link to read the Archdiocesan AUP and notice that it contains subtopics that ARE a part of this policy.
2. In addition to the Archdiocese AUP, there is a Mary Star Acceptable Use and Responsibility Policy for Electronic Communications (Mary Star AUP)
3. Archiocese BYOD policy is a part of Archdiocesan AUP. This policy relates to the use of personal devices on campus.
Online Safety
Online safety handout can be downloaded on the bottom of this page.
Student/Parent PowerSchool Access
Mary Star of the Sea High School uses a student information management system called PowerSchool.
Parents, guardians, and students can access academic and attendance information through the use of PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal.
If you do not have a password or you forgot your information regarding your PowerSchool account, please contact the Registrar here.
PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal
Mary Star of the Sea High School uses a student information management system called PowerSchool.
Parents, guardians, and students can access academic and attendance information through the use of PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal.
If you do not have a password or you forgot your information regarding your PowerSchool account, please contact the Registrar here.
PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal
Teacher Comment Codes
Other Useful Links for Teachers