Memorial Gifts

Mary Star of the Sea High School is grateful to those families who request Memorial Gifts dedicated to their loved ones who have passed. Our school community and the Norbertine Fathers pray for those remembered through Memorial Gifts every quarter. 

Please keep the following family members in your prayers:


  In Memoriam 2024  

Cecilia Iacono

Betty Johnson Spinosa

Antoinette Kaloper Ciketic

Clara Ann Mancusi

Louie Mascola

Nick Mosich

Josephine Nizetich

Alice Obuljen

Prisicilla Ann Parlor

Lucretia Pecotich

Kenny Perez

Madeleine Salak

Winnie Tedesco


  In Memoriam 2023  

Josephine Bosnich

Michelle Di Bernardo

Richard Garcia

Brian Gartland

Gary Gates

Vito Giacalone

Rosalie Jacobs

Lynn Marie Kusar

Pam Leonardo

Mary Ann Lovich

Tommy Mancini

Nick Mardesich

Violet Marinkovich

Maria Marquez

Edward Nunez

George Padovan

Frances Radisich

John Reitz


In Memoriam 2022

Nancy Ambrosi

Marie Ancich

Robert Bacich

Dennis Barbieri

Marilyn Bjazevich

George Bosnich

Shirley Despal

Frank Guerra

Bill James

Rob Lukin

Tomas Mancini

Violet Marinkovich

Sal Palma

Matias Pina

Vince Pirozzi

John Rich

Vern Sedig

Winnie Shea

Andy Simich


In Memoriam 2021

Jaekob Bacica

Joe Borak

Al DiRocco

Joe Perozzi

Joan Sharp

John Sharp

Richard Suares, Jr.


Mary Theresa Tacito

Sabrina Torress

Mary Zbojiniewz



In Memoriam 2020

Rosa Albano

Annette Shannon Batinovich

Richard Bauttista

Geri Ann Biazevich

Billy Brock

Andrew Cesareo

Pete Costa

Frances Crum

Jack Dalton

Virginia DiLeva

Jerry Diazevich

Austin Michael Frka

Diane DiBernardo Johnson

Norma Marich

John McAteer

Josip Prebanda

Joe Radisich

MaryAnn Rosbottom

Pat Ryan

Lizabeth Trani

Winifred A. Tudor

Victor Hugo Uglesich

Helen Ursich


For more than 65 years, Mary Star has provided a quality education based on the ideals of the Catholic faith. If you would like to remember a loved one through a Memorial Gift you may either donate online through PayPal by clicking the top of this page or use the Memorial envelopes found at the entrances of the Church and in the school’s Main Office. Please include the name of your loved one.

For more information call Fr. Nicholas at 310-547-1138, ext. 202.

Thank you for your continued support of Mary Star of the Sea High School. We look forward to a successful future as we begin planning Phase II of the school's development.

Sincerely in Mary, Star of the Sea,
Rev. Nicholas Tacito, O.Praem, Rector